
Discover Chiang Mai like never before with my personalized Chiang Mai map on Google Maps, containing no less than 190 carefully selected points for an unforgettable stay!

All my recommendations are just a few clicks away. After more than a year in Chiang Mai, I’ve explored the city from top to bottom to provide the best advice for travelers and digital nomads.

Here you’ll find, among other things :

  • Iconic temples, historical sites, fascinating museums, and unique activities
  • Parks, gardens, and waterfalls for a complete nature exploration
  • Markets for every taste, from the most famous to the oldest
  • Panoramic viewpoints of the city and surrounding valleys
  • Best local and international restaurants; Chiang Mai is a food paradise
  • Transportation hubs to make your travel easier
  • Hotels for all budgets

When you make your purchase, provide the email address associated with your Google Maps account. You will receive instant access to my map as well as a pdf explaining process and the legend of the icons used.

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Discover Chiang Mai like never before with my personalized Chiang Mai map on Google Maps, containing no less than 190 carefully selected points for an unforgettable stay!

All my recommendations are just a few clicks away. After more than a year in Chiang Mai, I’ve explored the city from top to bottom to provide the best advice for travelers and digital nomads.

Here you’ll find, among other things :

  • Iconic temples, historical sites, fascinating museums, and unique activities
  • Parks, gardens, and waterfalls for a complete nature exploration
  • Markets for every taste, from the most famous to the oldest
  • Panoramic viewpoints of the city and surrounding valleys
  • Best local and international restaurants; Chiang Mai is a food paradise
  • Transportation hubs to make your travel easier
  • Hotels for all budgets

Installation is easy! After purchase, you will have immediate access to my locations on Google Maps. To further simplify the process, a brief installation guide (in PDF format) is included in your download.

By downloading my Google Maps locations for a specific country, you will integrate my landmarks into your Google Maps application on your phone or laptop. 

The advantage is that every time I add new places, your Chiang Mai map is automatically updated – and it’s free!

Naturally, you want to keep the tips you discover on my blog. An optimal way to store them is by using Google Maps. However, finding all the locations can be time-consuming. Download the map to instantly access the best spots in Chiang Mai and save time!

This Chiang Mai map includes 190 locations, featuring:

  • Iconic temples, historical sites, fascinating museums, and unique activities
  • Parks, gardens, and waterfalls for a complete nature exploration
  • Markets for every taste, from the most famous to the oldest
  • Panoramic viewpoints of the city and surrounding valleys
  • Best local and international restaurants; Chiang Mai is a food paradise
  • Transportation hubs to make your travel easier
  • Hotels for all budgets

Purchasing my Chiang Mai map guarantees you lifetime access, meaning you can enjoy this valuable travel information at your convenience, with no usage restrictions.

The map is accessible on any device compatible with Google Maps. 

During the payment process, we will ask for your Google email address (mandatory). You must be logged into this Google account on your device to load the map.

Purchasing my Chiang Mai Map gives you a lifetime access, which means you can enjoy all these travel gems as much as you like, with no usage limits. Plus, when I add new unique locations (every 3 months or so), you automatically receive the update (free service!).

Searching for and pinning all the places before you leave on your trip can be laborious. Download mine to receive all the best addresses in Chiang Mai and save yourself time! Each pin on the map has a description.

When you make your purchase, provide the email address associated with your Google Maps account. You will receive instant access to my map as well as a pdf explaining process and the legend of the icons used.

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